Sunday, June 28, 2009

What if?

As I was doing the dishes this evening I was having a very interesting conversation with myself, I said to myself, "Self, how different do you think your life would have been if you had..." I won't fill in the blank exactly but it got me to thinking about several different scenarios and how drastically my life would be now if not for several choices I have made, no matter how minor they seemed to be when I made them. The kind of choices that a person hardly takes the time to think about but these little choices have the ability to alter our lives.

I wonder sometimes if just ONE thing had been different how much would that have changed the course of my life. Very "It's A Wonderful Life" don't you think? Of course there is no way to KNOW but sometimes its interesting to contemplate.

I will give you a for instance. Sometimes I wonder how differently my life would have turned out if I had not moved when I was seven, or had I not watched that Disney Channel concert, if I didn't start college five days after graduating from high school, if I had not responded to that email on myspace, and the list goes on and on and on.

But with all this what if I did and what if I didn't kind of thinking I have to stop and put it all out of my mind because even if ONE of these things had changed I know I would not be where I am today with the GREATEST blessing in the world, my little Mayzie.

I believe this way of thinking begs the question, what kind of things do you wonder about, what might have been?

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