Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dream A Little Dream

I had a very vivid dream last night, and yes for those of you that are wondering I do in fact dream in color. This dream last night was strangely calming although within the dream I could feel a great deal of anxiety it was not overwhelming though, and this morning I feel strangely relaxed.

Perhaps I should attempted to illustrate the dream before I get in too deep. It was quite simple really.

I was supposed to be getting ready for a party, my hair was up in blue velcro curlers and my makeup was done and I was standing in an unknown bedroom wearing a slip with a mountain of clothing in front of me piled up in a huge mess. I know I am running late and that I should be getting ready but I just don't know what to wear. Out of nowhere I feel two arms wrap around me, strangely this doesn't worry me at all. This man explains that I need to hurry because we are running late but he doesn't say it as though he is annoyed he says it warmly and somehow with encouragement.

My sister then bursts in, ushers out the man and harrasses me about not being ready. She notices the massive pile of clothes and asked what on earth happened. I explained that I had no idea how it had gotten to this and just sat down on the bed ready to give up. Well my sister miraculously manages to find something presentable to wear and hurriedly helps me finish getting dressed and puts the final touches on my hair.

I walk out of the house into a beautiful back yard with round lightbulbs strung in long hanging rows, there is music playing and people laughing, its the perfect evening. The man that was so encouraging before has returned and looking very dapper asks me to join him on the dance floor. I can feel everyones eyes on me but I can't figure out why and I suddenly realize I am back to standing there in just my slip. Where my clothes went I have NO idea but there I was revealing much more than I felt comfortable with and wanted to run and hide, I blushed a lovely shade of crimson and could hear people laughing. Yet the man that was leading me around the dance floor was not worried he quickly shrugged his jacket off put it around my shoulders and continued to dance with me telling me how amazing I looked and how lucky he was to be with me. He was so calming, soothing and comfortable to be with that the world seemed to slip away, even standing there in front of countless people in nothing but my slip.

What this dream meant I have no idea but the horror I felt at being the center of attention for the wrong reason was subdued by the calmness of the man in my dream and the radiating warmth and tender feelings continued on into the morning.

Have you ever had a dream where things were off but you felt completely comfortable with it?

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