Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Have Returned!

Here we are! All of us, alive and kicking. This photo was taken at my little brother's wedding at the tale end of September.

I am back online and like it or not you will most likely be hearing from me a LOT more now. Bwahahaha! My unfortunate hiatus was due to some very sad and trying computer issues that have NOT been completely solved but there is a temporary solution available which to my embarassment involves PC instead of my beloved Mac but like my mom says, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." So although relearning a new computer operating system is a pain in the neck (mac's are SOOOOOO much more streamlined) I am grateful to once again have access to the internet and the ability to jot down my thoughts in a much more legible way than by hand.

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i LOVE comments! Thank You so much for taking your time to leave your thoughts, feelings, ideas, rants and raves. You have just MADE my day!