Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Things are more than a little stressful at the moment and there are so many more questions than answers.

Everything I say and/or do is wrong.

My opinions have no consequence.

I can't seems to make anyone happy.

The emotional ups and downs that are my life are insanely irritating.

So if your coming over to attack me and tell me how horrible I am (again) please just pass on by because I may snap.

Consider yourself warned.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness...finally a sister in "failure", though I seriously doubt either one of us is as bad as we think we are...but, heck, when the ones we love the most are treating us in such a way, it makes one wonder. Hang in there, and if you want to vent, feel free to email one who kind of knows just how you feel!


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